Thursday, 23 April 2009

Good Tidings

I think I've bored a lot of people I know by griping about the quantity of plumbers' logos I end up doing. Don't get me wrong, plumbers are my mates and I thank them heartily for their work but taps aren't always that pretty! So I did get very excited to be asked to design a pretty logo. With Birds. And flora. Yes!

So if you're about in Cirencester or Monmouth in the next few months you'll see this logo up in lights gracing the prettiest gift shops this side of the UK.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009


By now most of you will have heard of the wonderful Etsy, the site where you can buy the most original one-off items from makers all over the world. There are millions of sellers and many more buyers so imagine my delight when I received a little note in my inbox to say I was picked for someone's Treasury? My little goodbye bicycle card up in lights! So nice to be wanted!